Penjelasan Singkat Jurusan Kedokteran dan Program MBBS

Penjelasan Singkat Mengenai Jurusan M.B.B.S, Apakah Jurusan Tersebut Sama Dengan Program Pendidikan Dokter Di Indonesia ?

Di blog kali ini aku akan bahas sedikit tentang jurusan aku, yaitu Program MBBS. Apa sih program MBBS itu? Setelah lulus dapat ijazahnya apa? bisa kerja dimana? apakah lulusan program MBBS adalah dokter?

Well, disini aku akan jelasin dengan refrensi yang valid mengenai jurusanku. Sebelumnya, jalan menuju untuk menjadi seorang dokterpun tidak sedikit. Di beberapa negara pun banyak jurusan yang di buka dan disediakan untuk para mahasiswa yang ingin mendapatkan degree atau gelar kedokteran sebelum mereka officially called a ''Doctor''. Tidak sedikit orang yang tahu akan hal ini, karena informasinya tidak cukup luas dan kita hanya terpacu dengan informasi pendidikan di negara kira sendiri. I can say di negara-negara eropa, asia pun nemawarkan banyak jurusan kedokteran dengan program dan proses yang berbeda, namun kita akan bahas tentang jurusan kedokteran yang final-nya bakal bekerja sebagai seorang dokter.  

Di Indonesia sendiri penjelasan mengenai jurusan kedokteran, di kutip dari laman website Wikipedia:

''In Indonesia, graduating students are awarded the academic degree of Sarjana Kedokteran / Bachelor of Medicine (written as suffix "S.Ked") after completing their pre-clinical studies. At this point, the graduate is not yet a practising doctor, but may choose to work directly as a medical scientist or other non-clinician professions (usually health-related). However, most graduates will pursue the conventional path, which is to enroll in the clinical clerkship program (Program Pendidikan Profesi Dokter) for another 1.5 to 2 years. During this program, students are required to rotate through different medical/surgical specialties in a teaching hospital, actively involved in diagnoses and treatment of patients under direct supervision of residents and consultants/attending physicians. After completing clinical clerkship, students take national medical licensing examination (Ujian Kompetensi Mahasiswa Program Profesi Dokter/UKMPPD) and will be awarded with the title Dokter (written as prefix "dr.") as first professional title if they pass the examination.''

Perbedaanya dengan program dan jurusan mbbs , dikutip dari laman website Wikipedia :

''Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (LatinMedicinae Baccalaureus, Baccalaureus Chirurgiae; abbreviated in many ways, most commonly MBBS, but also MB ChBBMBSMB BChMB BChir and BM BCh), is the primary medical degree awarded by medical schools in countries that follow the tradition of the United Kingdom. The historical degree nomenclature states that they are two separate undergraduate degrees. In practice, however, they are usually combined as one and conferred together, and may also be awarded at graduate-level medical schools.''

Penamaan dan gelar yang ditulikan pun :

The names and abbreviations given to these degrees depend on the institution, awarding body or country, and vary widely. This is mostly for reasons of tradition rather than to indicate any difference between the relative levels of the degrees. They are considered equivalent.

If the awarding body titles the degrees in Latin, the degrees are commonly named Medicinae Baccalaureus, Chirurgiae BaccalaureusMedicinae Baccalaureus et Chirurgiae Baccalaureus; or Baccalaureus in Medicina et in Chirurgia; abbreviated as MB ChB, MB BCh or otherwise. If titled in English, they are named Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of SurgeryBachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery; or Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery; usually abbreviated as MB BS, and sometimes as BM BS, even though most MB BS-awarding institutions do not use Latin to name their degrees. 

Karena aku ngambi jurusan dan program ini di Cina, sedikit penjelasannya pun dikutip dari laman website Wikipedia :

'' In China, medical undergraduates are awarded a Bachelor of Medicine (BMED) for a course of study lasting five years for native Chinese students and six years for international/foreign students, including internship. International students may take the program in English or Chinese. The Chinese version is accelerated, but international students may be awarded scholarship for taking it, thus overall cheaper. However, when dealing with lots of technical subjects, some students[citation needed] may find it easier to take the English version so language is not an issue. In total, 247 Universities are authorized to award MBBS degree to the domestic and International students. Around 180 Universities offer only Chinese medium MBBS courses and 67 offer both English medium MBBS and Chinese medium MBBS. Some Universities that are authorized to conduct Chinese medium MBBS courses, also conduct MBBS in English medium. Almost all the Universities require the students to pass the Chinese language test up to the level of 4. All the 247 Universities are recognized by most of the medical councils around the world and by ECFMG.''

Source :,_Bachelor_of_Surgery 

foto di atas bukti bahwa kampusku terdaftar dalam program MBBS
                         Source : 

Nah, pertanyaannya apakah program ini sama dengan program pendidikan dokter di Indonesia?

menurut hasil riset dan referenssi yang telah aku telusuri, secara degree keduanya sama. Tapi, jika disetarakan medical degree yang aku punya akan setara dengan S,Ked. di Indonesia. We can say, lulusan progam MBBS, secara degree mereka bisa dikatakan seorang dokter, namun technically they are not. Kenapa? sebelum mereka dipanggil seorang dokter mereka harus punya lisensi praktek terlebih dahulu. Oleh sebab itu, setelah lulus dan mendapatkan medical degree kita harus mengikuti ujian nasional  kompetensi dokter. Di Indonesia dikenal dengan singkatan UKMPPD sedangka di Cina dikenal dengan singkatan NMEC 国家医学考试。 Prosesnya tidak jauh berbeda dengan di Indonesia. 

Itulah penjelasan singkat mengenai jurusan kuliahku sekarang. Any want to know more. Let me know. Next aku akan bahas tentang peluang karir setelah lulus dari program MBBS....


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